Monday, June 9, 2014
new album from the guy of a band i listen too!
Beastie Boys,
digiventures by us,
Free deals,
Google glass,
Official blog,
Release date,
Slender game,
waymore powered guys
Monday, March 17, 2014
heres video of the beast doing so brrootal killings to guys
this the origins stories of him
Beastie Boys,
digiventures by us,
Free deals,
Google glass,
iPhone 6,
Official blog,
Release date,
Slender game,
waymore powered guys
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
woww back from somega hiaatus and no for back to digiadventuring
Chucks spy guy aka DigiSpyer got luanched into the Digiyooniverse to help with us for gathering intel aka intelligents stuff on how to get int o the digipentagon without being dead from it he landed for m his digicapsule that he went with to here on the safehouse and got out he said "okay now time to get some spieing done" he went on a digicyle that he brought with him to the digipentagon but right whe n he was jumped and about to smash through the digipentagon windows and infilrate it a hgue metror or a t least it looked like it hahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaahhahahhah shot down out of the digisky and smashed into him to pieces but it wasnt a metreor we figured that oout so quick when it stood up and started atttacking the digipentaggon with sopowerful and unescapable crusher strikes it turns when digithulu was throne into the blackhole it wasnt the real blackhole it was the digihole now hes back and as Digithulu i said "we have to do something for being about this or the digiworld is doomed forever and alltimes from it" DigiFisk said "i know whats to do lets attack it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he grabbed a digibazooka and jumped out of the safehouse he shot so many digisploders at Digithulu from it but it didnt hurt him at all or any Digithulu said "hahaahaahahahhhhaaaahahhahhhaaa you think you can destroy me wit h that wel l im to powerful for you now and digi too and no megamegacosmicrake to defeat me this time DIGITHULU VIRUS ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then he aka Digithulu shot out digithulu virus out of his tenacles it shot into DigiFisk and corrupted huis files makeing him into DigiCorruptedFisk DigiCorruptedFisk fell back and was almost dead fro m it but he wasnt totally and complete corrupted by it yet the Beast jumped dwon out of the safehouse and yelled "rraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr" he slashed iff one of Digithulus tentacles Digithulu tried to release more Digithulu virus on him to digicorrupt him but DigiZeke DigiStrahm and Spectre were cover firing for Beast in the safehouse and Beast did ad ogder roll and grabbed DigiCorrupted Fisk grabbing and rescuing him to saftey but Digithulu said "YOULL PAY FOR THAT ALL YOU GUYS NOW DIGITHULU VIRUS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" HE SHOT a Digithulu Virus blast from his tentaclles it hit DigiZeke DigiStrahm infecting him and turned to DigiCorruptedZeke DigiCorruptedStrahm Digithulu said "hahaaaahhahahahaaah your digicorrupted NOW DIE BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" d THEN out of no ware DigiSlender DigiMan smashed throught the digipentagon and expl9oded it with his fureeous digitenticle trikes he said "YOU THINK YOU CAN INVADE DIGIWORLD AND DESTORY IT WELL ON MY WATCCH NOW DIE BY MY DIGISTRIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" HE slammed into Digithulu so much with his digitentacle rager attackes but he was too much for him Digithulu grabbed his tewntacles and ripped them off at once except for none of them DigiSlender DigiMan punched through Digithulu but it let so much Digithulu Virus out and digicorrupted him onto now being DigiCorruptedSlender DigiCorruptedMan he digiported to saftey or at least so much satfrey as could be since now digicorrupted haaahahahahahhahahhhhhaahhahahah h DigiCorruptedFisk said "aaararrghrrgh so digicorrupted lets go we need to get to the tank and escape" he grabbed a minesploder gun and shot a mine into the safehouse wall and exploded it it blew a hole in the hole wall but Digithulu was going to and about to smash the safehouse but i did a digifear burst and blasted him back from it we all jumped down into the tank and drove off "okay i said now to escape the digiworld!!!"
digiventures by us,
Free deals,
Google glass,
iPhone 6,
Official blog,
Release date,
Slender game,
waymore powered guys
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