Wednesday, November 28, 2012
are teem so powwerfull then ever beefour in any times with that guy Digi Fisk so we are to go fiteing onto hte digiops guys now!
we guys or nown Digislayer and Alex Spectre and Showtime the Beast and Digizeke Digistrahm Me and Max Stanforth and now also DigiFisk! and i asked "hey why shuld we be trusting a so huge evil vilen of trying to kill us like you?" DigiFisk "just lets fite them digispirasy guys" we got onto are digicycles eksept for DigiFisk who stayed in his Digitank and we drived followed DigiFisk and DigiFisk said "ok guys for are teeming up were going to fite the digiops and there this way follow me!" we drove so fast on are digicycles and digitank following DigiFisk and than Spectre said "wich ever guy hear is the honcho lissen we got dinks on are tales are we gonna fite them or bug out?" Showtime said "wate i got this time travelleing activaet!" and Showtime disapeered for a second than came back and he said "wate for it guys..." and than a bunch of time traveled showtimes cereal murdered all the digiops that was folowing us and than i said "ok guys come on drive faster!" we kept driveing ad than there was a rode block and DigiSlayer said" hey were going to get stuck hey DigiFisk tank blast that rode block from the way!" DigiFisk said "i cant!" than the Beast said "RAR RARR RRRAAARRRR" and he jumped of his digicycle and did a so power chardge into the rode block and smashed it up and got back on his digicycle and than i said "good job Beast!" and he sadi "RRAAARRR!" and i said "hahahhah your rite!" and we kept driveing forwerd into followeing DigiFisk and i saw a other rode block and Spectre said "hey wate guys i got this with my pineapple or nown sarrated grenaide!" and he blew up the rode block and DigiFisk said "ok were allmost thier and to the plase were going to get the digiops to be defeeted!" and than he said "ok were hear at the DigiPentagon!" Spectre said "ok wahts the plan for not haveing us byeing the farm?" but than digiops saw us and one said "open up the fire on those agenst us guys!" DigiFisk said "the plan is kill them to dead!" and DigiSlayer blasted so manie of them with Digi Fear powers and said "there to manie we cant fite them all" DigiFisk blew up a hole bunch with his digitank and said "hahahha this is so eesie!" and i said "we need to run from this battel and think up a new plan! hold on i just got one ill get a spie from Chuck to get in there and get us intell so come on lets reetreet and get away so not for geting ded!" the Beast claw cut up some of the guys and said "RRRAAARRR" and i said "even Beast agrees! he loves for fiteing govverment and digi govverment!" Alex said "guys were gonna get killed out heer we gotta go-" and he got shot up to allmost dead and than DigiFisk said "fine lets go well use the spie guy!" we got on are digicycles and blaster fast drove away and i called Chuck and said "send a spie to Digi Times and to come help us!" Chuck said "ok im sending him!" and we got to a digi safe house and wated.......
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
finding who the note was from
we descovered that the note it had a biotrail on it for where we could track it to see where its been so we got on our digibikes and followed the biotrail iiiiiiiit showed us where the note wwas written from it was written from a huge fortres base on top of a huge hill we didnt know hoos it was or who built it but it defintiely wasnt Slenderops guys in it Spectre saaid "bolo aka be on look out for any funnystuff im going in for some recon" i said "wait if your going then were going with you come on guys" we sneaked up to on top of the hill so looking down on the base DigiZeke DigiStrahm looked who they were with bineoculers he said "huh thats wierd theyre not have slendermons guys logos on them i wonder who they are" Spectre said "no time for theres camels on fire aka badguys closing in on us here taste my devils piano or as called machinegun blasting!!!" he did so much auto matic balasting at them but there were waysomany they shot him so much for almost being dead but i used my new and now working digispear to blast them to pieces but there were so way more than got blasted they surrounded us and were a bout to kill us but then a uknown guy yelled "stop dont kill them at least not yet haaahhahhhhhahaa" i said "hey who is that and whos behind this" he said "did you forget me already Digislayer or should i say SlenderSlayer?" he stepped into site of me i saw him it was Fisk i said "Fisk you survived the digitization of you and your guys" he said "its DigiFisk now Digislayer prepare t odie shoot him now" DigiFisks guys got read y and were going to shoot us but just right then a huge Slenderops assaultingdigichopper attacked it blasted so many of DigiFisks guys and Slenderops guys came out of it DigiFisk threw me a gun he said "okay im on your side...for now" i said "i dont need the gun watch this" i did a wayblasting strike on the assaultingdigichopper but it manovered ouut of the way of it for not getting hit it opened so much fire up on us DigiFisk got shot in the chest waymany times he fell back into the base Alex and DigiZeke DigiStrahm opened fire on it with revolving guns but it was digisteel plated and not damaged by them it charged up for finaly killing us all it was about to do it but then a huge digitank drove through the wall of the base it blasted the assaultingdigichopper to exploded DigiFisk jumped out of the digitank he said follow me were going to stop the digivolving guys and Slenderops people once and forever"
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
the next of us guys
Spectre said "SSDD rite guys? back wehn i was in the USMC or nown to be Uncle Sams Misguyded Chilldren as we called of it back than hahahhahah we had a FUBAR sitchuashun like this but skosher and we had to have a barracks party for weeks to cleen up the blood! hahahhaha!" Showtime said "shut up with militairy speeking dumb guy or ill seeriel kill you!" Me and Max Stanforth said "ahhahahhahahha Showtime." and Spectre said "shut up you rock or nown in sivilien speek idiot!" Showtime jumped onto Spectre and they started beeting eech other up and DigiSlayer broke up the fite and said "calm down you littel girls hahahahaha we need to figgur out a plan for what to be doing nekst." Digizeke Digistrahm said "yeah waht are to be doing?" " i said "i found this on the ground by ADGs digi blasted bodie and its a note and heers it says: hey ADG ok heers are plan we got a get them distrakted and than you use the BurstDigiPower Masheen and you use your powers wile there trapped and kill them all so were out of enemys and can do are plan on are own haahhahhahha!" Digizeke said "hold on... BYOH IBRID FORM AKTIVAET" i said "why did you do that Digizeke?" now powered up Digizeke Digistrahm said "it amplufys my vestigaeting powers to so hi so i can do so much beter with them" and than he took out his magnifying glass and looked at the paper and than powered down he said "it was come from this was follow me!"and he leaded us forwerd to the plase the note came from...
the final fight in the digiops base
we were running to the room and place in the digiops base that ADG was talking of but there were sowaymany dark digiops guys for being dark digivolved by corupted data in them there were so many of them blasting at us we wernet going to make it but Patrick said "keep going ill hold them off" he made a digienurgy blade and said "okay digiops guys you want to play then play with my blade of digital death on you!!!!!!" he teloported at the dark digiops guys and did so many slasher attacks on them we didnt see who won it but there was so much slashing and shooting sounds from it we finaly got to the room there were sohuge machines in it we didnt know how to work of them but ADG did he said "quick there could be more dark digiops guys anytime from now everyguy get in the machines" we did and he pressed a bunch of buttons on t hem they charged up with digipower and injected it into us we got bio hybrid digivolved by it but then we tried to get out of the machines but we couldnt ADG said "notso fast guys theres something i didnt tell you thats im not on your side or the slendermons side i came here so i could get the machine for to do this" he grabbed a machine and stabbed it into him it injected him with so much burstdigipower he said "DNA charge overdrive hahaaahahhhhhaahahaahhhhaa!!!!!!!!!!" he charged up a digiblast and was about to destroy us with it but i yelled "bio hibrid DNA charge!!!!!!!!!!!!"bu it completed the cycle of bio hibrid digvolution on me i smashed out of the machine pod with so much digiforce and did a smashing fist strike into ADG it knocked him back into the machine he was using and exploded it he pulled out a gun and said "we understimated you DigiSlayer but now its time to die!!" he shot me so many times in the chest with it but i had all new digi armor i said "its going to take mmore than that now ADG all new digispear powerbeam activate!!!!"i blasted his chest through his body with a megabeam powerblast from it then the digiops base started to shake and colapse i said "theyre demolitioning the base quick complete your bio hibrid digvolution cycles!!" everyguy ddid and bursted out of their pods DigiZeke DigiStrahm saaid "okay thats good that were out of that pods but now were in a colapsing base now how to get out from it" ALEXSHELPER said "i have an idea for it lets form into supercombined biomerge digivolved guy and do a megadigiblast" we all yelled "BIOMERGE ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!"then we formed into supercombined biomerge digivolved guy we said "NOW THATS SOME REAL DIGI POWER HAAAAHHAHHHHAHAAAHHAA MEGA DIGIBLAST GO!!!!!!"then we did a megadigiblast out of the base and escaped frrom it then we unformed from being biomerged but still bio hibrid digivolved Max Stanforth said "what now" i said "ADG wasnt alone in it the betraying of us we need to find whos he was working for and destroy them"
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
the next part of are jurney
the Awesume Digivestigater Guy leed us up over to and evelater for going up and DigiSlayer said "hey ADG let me be getting of this strate we came hear to check for if my clone guy was wroking for them bad guys but we saw him and fote him so waht are we still be doing hear and not leeveing?" ADG said "i lied about are onlie comeing of too hear and onlie forfinding youre clown guy or nown Giantevildigiworldslayer i came ackschually for a helper wepon for deefeeting the slendermons of this world bicause thier digivolving into so stronger slendermons and such as beeing thiers one thats beeing called Hiper Byo Extra Digivolution Slendermons and there so power and they are one of the digivolutions that could cause us so trouble and we need to shoot them up and also we could digivolve to if we want so much power and thats called an Byo Hibrid Digivolution when a reel person digivolves to beeing a digiguy and DigiSlayer that could make youre Slender Slayeing Speer work agen!" Me said "why didnet you tell of us this erlier?" ADG "saidit wasnt important in the time of are comeing to this hear plase and but now it is and you could see digivolution onto Giantevildigiworldslayer did Mega Digivolution or nown he got so way stronger then a nurmel digi guy threw it or nown Mega Digivolution. but i dident have enuff proove of the digivolution so i came hear to get some and i got this..." and he handed me some documents on the digivoluting and i looked at them and said "DigiSlayer and Max Stanforth come look to theese" and we all looked to the proove of the digivolvuting and DigiSlayer said "ok ADG lets go get there to were you want us to go and ADG said "ok lets go were going to-" but than digiblast orbs smaeshed into theseeling of the room were in and a bunch of digiops digivoluted into Dark Digiops or nown Digiops digivolved by evil ways of corrupting there data... and Spectre said" we got gooks in the wire shuld we be runing of it of fiteing on them" but ADG said "were not strong enuff in now times to fite Dark Digivolutions we need waht i was about to say beefour interrupting me the digivolv humans masheen! it will use digi data to make us Byo Hibrid Digivolve and than we will be so stronger!" Patrick said "ill give covering fire to the Dark Digiops wile we run!" and his left and rite arms formed with digi data to becum energy masheen guns and than he blasted to the Dark Digiops and we ran to the hallways...
ADG said "the wepons room is close to us follow me and we can get the Byo Hibrid Digivolver Masheen!" and we ran following him with Patrick blasteing to the Dark Digiops for covereing fire... adhesive
ADG said "the wepons room is close to us follow me and we can get the Byo Hibrid Digivolver Masheen!" and we ran following him with Patrick blasteing to the Dark Digiops for covereing fire... adhesive
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