Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the next of us guys

Spectre said "SSDD rite guys? back wehn i was in the USMC or nown to be Uncle Sams Misguyded Chilldren as we called of it back than hahahhahah we had a FUBAR sitchuashun like this but skosher and we had to have a barracks party for weeks to cleen up the blood! hahahhaha!" Showtime said "shut up with militairy speeking dumb guy or ill seeriel kill you!" Me and Max Stanforth said "ahhahahhahahha Showtime." and Spectre said "shut up you rock or nown in sivilien speek idiot!" Showtime jumped onto Spectre and they started beeting eech other up and DigiSlayer broke up the fite and said "calm down you littel girls hahahahaha we need to figgur out a plan for what to be doing nekst." Digizeke Digistrahm said "yeah waht are to be doing?" " i said "i found this on the ground by ADGs digi blasted bodie and its a note and heers it says: hey ADG ok heers are plan we got a get them distrakted and than you use the BurstDigiPower Masheen and you use your powers wile there trapped and kill them all so were out of enemys and can do are plan on are own haahhahhahha!" Digizeke said "hold on... BYOH IBRID FORM AKTIVAET" i said "why did you do that Digizeke?" now powered up Digizeke Digistrahm said "it amplufys my vestigaeting powers to so hi so i can do so much beter with them" and than he took out his magnifying glass and looked at the paper and than powered down he said "it was come from this was follow me!"and he leaded us forwerd to the plase the note came from...

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